Customizing the HTMx frontend

If you add more pages and endpoints you will have to write your own root and set ROOT_URLCONF appropriately.

Adding additional apps

If you have some other apps you want installed and configured, you could either add the necessary settings to your or use the extra-apps machinery. The later is especially useful during the development phase when you haven’t settled on which apps to use yet.

With extra-apps machinery

You make a JSON-file which is read into your settings via one of two environment variables.

In order to add apps and settings that extend argus-server and this app you use the environment variable ARGUS_EXTRA_APPS:

export ARGUS_EXTRA_APPS=`cat extra.json`

If you want to override existing apps the environment variable to use is ARGUS_OVERRIDING_APPS:

export ARGUS_OVERRIDING_APPS=`cat overriding.json`

Have a look at the contents of argus.htmx.appconfig._app_settings for an example of what you can set this way.

You can merge your urlpatterns with the apps’ urlpatterns via the function, see argus.htmx.urls for an example.

Themes and styling

How to customize the look:

  • Override Argus’ Tailwind CSS theme defaults and/or choose which daisyUI color themes to include. You can do so by updating the default TAILWIND_THEME_OVERRIDE and DAISYUI_THEMES settings respectively before running a tailwind_config management command:

    Via environment variables, for example:

        "borderWidth": {
          "DEFAULT": "1px"
        "extend": {
          "borderRadius": {
            "4xl": "2rem"
        { "mytheme": {
            "color-scheme": "dark",
            "primary": "#009eb6",
            "primary-content": "#00090c",
            "secondary": "#00ac00",
            "secondary-content": "#000b00",
            "accent": "#ff0000",
            "accent-content": "#160000",
            "neutral": "#262c0e",
            "neutral-content": "#cfd1ca",
            "base-100": "#292129",
            "base-200": "#221b22",
            "base-300": "#1c161c",
            "base-content": "#d0cdd0",
            "info": "#00feff",
            "info-content": "#001616",
            "success": "#b1ea50",
            "success-content": "#0c1302",
            "warning": "#d86d00",
            "warning-content": "#110400",
            "error": "#ff6280",
            "error-content": "#160306"

    Or by providing corresponding values in your local settings that star-imports from an argus-server settings file:

    DAISYUI_THEMES = [...]
    Some links that may be relevant for the customization values mentioned above:
  • Override the default main stylesheet path by setting ARGUS_STYLESHEET_PATH in the environment. The path is under STATIC_URL. This depends on the context processor argus.htmx.context_processors.path_to_stylesheet.

  • Include additional styles/stylesheets using the head block in your templates.

  • Generate a Tailwind config file by running the tailwind_config management command. By default the generated file will be based on src/argus/htmx/tailwindtheme/tailwind.config.template.js and expected values will be injected with reasonable defaults.

Incident table column customization

The INCIDENT_TABLE_COLUMNS setting controls which columns are shown in the incident table. This setting takes a list of str or argus.htmx.incidents.customization.IncidentTableColumn instances. when given a str, this key must be available in the argus.htmx.incidents.customization.BUILTIN_COLUMNS dictionary. For example:

from argus.htmx.incidents.customization import BUILTIN_COLUMNS, IncidentTableColumn

    BUILTIN_COLUMNS["description"], # equivalent to just "description"
    IncidentTableColumn( # a new column definition
            "additional": "value"


For inbuilt support for other types of columns see the howtos in the local docs.

Custom widget

Argus supports showing an extra widget next to the menubar in the incidents listing. This box can take the width of 1/3 of the window. You can add the widget by creating a context processor that injects an incidents_extra_widget variable that points to an html template:

def extra_widget(request):
    return {
        "incidents_extra_widget": "path/to/_extra_widget.html",

note Don’t forget to include the context processor in your settings

You could then create path/to/_extra_widget.html as following:

<div id="service-status" class="border border-primary rounded-2xl h-full p-2">
  My custom widget

Toast messages

argus_htmx uses the Django Messages framework to dynamically display notifications toast messages to the user. Some of these messages stay on screen until the user refreshes, while others automatically close (disappear) after a certain time. This can be customized by modifying or overriding the NOTIFICATION_TOAST_AUTOCLOSE_SECONDS setting. The default value for this setting is:

    "success": 10,
    "autoclose": 10,

This means that any message that has either the tag "success" or "autoclose" will automatically close after 10 seconds. You can update this dictionary with existing tags such as "warning" or "error", or make up your own.