How to customize filtering

The public interface is in argus.filter.defaults. How to structure the code that does the actual filtering is an implementation detail, as long as it exposes the names defined there.

The optional setting ARGUS_FILTER_BACKEND defaults to "argus.filter.defaults", change it to point to your own dotted path to a module exposing the same names as argus.filter.defaults.

Contents of argus.filter.defaults

Everything is based around the “filterblob”, a JSON structure.

Matching one incident to multiple filters

This is currently used to decide whether to send notifications for new and changed incidents.


Base class, the important methods are incident_fits and event_fits.


Subclass of FilterWrapper. Merges a filter with the filter in the setting ARGUS_FALLBACK_FILTER.


OR’s together multiple simple FilterWrappers, used by NotificationProfile.


Subclass of FilterWrapper. Takes the setting ARGUS_FALLBACK_FILTER into account for each filter.

Matching a filter to multiple incidents

Used by the bulk management command.


The class is used to bundle public functions together, no initializing necessary.

The most important method is filtered_incidents, which given a filterblob spits out a queryset of incidents that fit that filter.

In addition there are the helper methods incidents_by_* which runs filtered_incidents on the actual Filter and NotificationProfile models.

API GET-parameters


django-filters backend that translates GET-parameters to an Incident queryset fitting those paramterers.


Identical to IncidentFilter except the source*-parameters are not included. This is for a source filtering on its own incidents.


OpenAPI spec for IncidentFilter. Depends on drf-spectacular.


OpenAPI spec for SourceLockedIncidentFilter. Depends on drf-spectacular.


This is how you validate the filterblob. Depends on django-rest-framework.


Validates the data of a Filter model instance. Depends on FilterBlobSerializer.


Validates the actual filterblob. This is what everything else depends on. Currently of the format

    "key1": "value1"
    "key2": ["value1", "value2"]



Runs a FilterBlobSerializer on something assumed to be a filterblob and returns True if it is a valid filterblob. Raises a ValidationError with error details otherwise. Depends on django-rest-framework.