How to toggle the usage of django-debug-toolbar on and off

Shipping to production with django-debug-toolbar turned on is bad news. Instead of manually altering settings, you can use the extra-apps machinery to easily control if django-debug-toolbar is configured or not.

Set up

Make sure it is installed

You need to have django-debug-toolbar installed for this, it’s part of the dev-dependencies so you can get it through any of:

pip install django-debug-toolbar


pip install argus-server[dev]


pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Set up extra-apps with django-debug-toolbar

Create a JSON-file, let’s call it debug-toolbar.json, with the following contents:

    "app_name": "debug_toolbar",
    "middleware": {
      "debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware": "end"
    "settings": {
        "ROOT_TAG_EXTRA_ATTRS": "hx-preserve"
    "urls": {
      "path": "__debug__/",
      "urlpatterns_module": "debug_toolbar.urls"

If you want to add settings for more apps you should probably call the file something else.

If you haven’t already set INTERNAL_IPS anywhere you can add a line INTERNAL_IPS = [""], in the settings-block, just above and as a sibling to DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG. When developing we do recommend that INTERNAL_IPS is set even when not using django-debug-toolbar though.

(In production, it is best that INTERNAL_IPS is an empty list, for security reasons.)

For django-debug-toolbar to work, the ip you visit the site from must be in :setting:INTERNAL_IPS, and DEBUG must be True. Unless you have hardcoded DEBUG in a settings-file somewhere you can control it via an environment variable.

Activate the django-debug-toolbar config via the environment

This assumes a bash-compatible shell.

Set the environment variable ARGUS_EXTRA_APPS:

export ARGUS_EXTRA_APPS=`cat debug-toolbar.json`

Reload site.

Unless you have hardcoded the DEBUG-setting anywhere, you can now toggle django-debug-toolbar on and off via the DEBUG environment variable.

Deactivate the django-debug-toolbar config via the environment

This assumes a bash-compatible shell.

Either unset the environment variable ARGUS_EXTRA_APPS:


Or set it to an empty list:

export ARGUS_EXTRA_APPS="[]"

Reload site.


Given that DEBUG is set to True somewhere you could activate and deactivate the config as detailed previously, but it is probably more elegant to toggle DEBUG.

Toggle an activated django-debug-toolbar on

This assumes a bash-compatible shell.

Set the environment variable DEBUG:

export DEBUG=1

Reload site.

Toggle an activated django-debug-toolbar off

This assumes a bash-compatible shell.

Set the environment variable DEBUG:

export DEBUG=0

You could just unset it but explicit is very much better than implicit in this case.

Reload site.