
Administration endpoint

Use /admin/ to access the project’s admin pages.


All endpoints require requests to contain a header with key Authorization and value Token {token}, where {token} is replaced by a registered auth token. These are generated per user by logging in through Feide, and can be found at /admin/authtoken/token/.

Auth endpoints

  • GET to /api/v1/auth/user/: returns the logged in user

  • GET to /api/v1/auth/users/<int:pk>/: returns a user by primary key (pk)

  • POST to /api/v1/token-auth/: returns an auth token for the posted user

    • Note that this token will expire after a certain amout of days that is set in the variable AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRES_AFTER_DAYS in Site-specific settings (by default 14 days), and can be replaced by posting to the same endpoint.

    Example request body
        "username": "alice",
        "password": "secret"
  • /oidc/login/dataporten_feide/: redirects to Feide login

  • /api/v1/auth/phone-number/:

    • GET: returns the phone numbers of the logged in user

      Example response body
            "pk": 2,
            "user": 1,
            "phone_number": "+4767676767"
            "pk": 1,
            "user": 1,
            "phone_number": "+4790909090"
    • POST: creates and returns the phone numbers of the logged in user

      Example request body
          "pk": 2,
          "phone_number": "+4767676767"
  • /api/v1/auth/phone-number/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns the specific phone number of the logged in user

      Example response body
          "pk": 2,
          "user": 1,
          "phone_number": "+4767676767"
    • PUT: updates and returns one of the logged in user’s phone numbers by primary key

      • Example request body: same as POST to /api/v1/auth/phone-number/

    • DELETE: deletes one of the logged in user’s phone numbers by primary key


    The phone number is validated using the python port of libphonenumber. It will check that the phone number is in a valid number series. Using a random number will not work.

Incident endpoints

  • /api/v1/incidents/:

    • GET: returns all incidents - both open and historic

      Query parameters: All query parameters are optional. If a query parameter is not included or empty, for instance acked=, then the rows returned are not affected by that filter and shows rows of all kinds of that value, for instance both “acked” and “unacked” in the case of acked=.

      Filtering parameters:


      Fetch only acked (true) or unacked (false) incidents.


      Fetch only incidents that are or have been open for equal to or more than (number) minutes.


      Fetch only incidents that ended on or later than (end-time).


      Fetch only stateless (true) or stateful (false) incidents.


      Fetch only incidents that ended on or earlier than (end-time).


      Fetch only incidents that have a level less or equal than (level).


      Fetch only open (true) or closed (false) incidents.


      Fetch only stateful (true) or stateless (false) incidents.


      Fetch only incidents with a source with numeric id ID1 or ID2 or..


      Fetch only incidents with a source with name NAME1 or NAME2 or..


      Fetch only incidents with a source of a type with numeric id ID1 or ID2 or..


      Fetch only incidents with source_incident_id set to ID.


      Fetch only incidents that started on or later than (start-time).


      Fetch only incidents that started on or earlier than (start-time).


      Fetch only stateful (true) or stateless (false) incidents.


      Fetch only incidents with a ticket url (true) or without (false).


      Fetch only incidents with one or more of the tags. Tag-format is “key=value”. If there are multiple tags with the same key, only one of the tags needs to match. If there are multiple keys, one of each key must match.


      URL reformatted for readability

      will fetch incidents that are all of “open”, “unacked”, “stateful”, from source number 1, with “location” either being “broomcloset” or “understairs”, and that is on fire.


      If the boolean parameters are not given a value or are left out, that is interpreted as not filtering at all on that parameter, showing both true and false entries.

      Paginating parameters:

      cursor=LONG RANDOM STRING|null

      Go to the page of that cursor. The cursor string for next and previous page is part of the response body.


      The number of rows to return. Default is 100.

      So: api/v1/incidents/?cursor=cD0yMDIw&page_size=10 will go to the page indicated by cD0yMDIw and show the next 10 rows from that point onward. Do not attempt to guess the cursor string. null means there is no more to fetch.

      Example response body
            "next": "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/incidents/?cursor=cD0yMDIwLTA5LTIzKzEzJTNBMDIlM0ExNi40NTU4MzIlMkIwMCUzQTAw&page_size=10",
            "previous": null,
            "results": [
                    "pk": 10101,
                    "start_time": "2011-11-11T11:11:11+02:00",
                    "end_time": "2011-11-11T11:11:12+02:00",
                    "source": {
                        "pk": 11,
                        "name": "Sikt GW 3",
                        "type": {
                            "name": "nav"
                        "user": 12,
                        "base_url": "https://somenav.somewhere.com"
                    "source_incident_id": "12345",
                    "details_url": "https://sikt.no/api/alerts/12345/",
                    "description": "Netbox 11 <12345> down.",
                    "ticket_url": "https://tickettracker.com/tickets/987654/",
                    "tags": [
                            "added_by": 12,
                            "added_time": "2011-11-11T11:11:11.111111+02:00",
                            "tag": "object=Netbox 4"
                            "added_by": 12,
                            "added_time": "2011-11-11T11:11:11.111111+02:00",
                            "tag": "problem_type=boxDown"
                            "added_by": 200,
                            "added_time": "2020-08-10T11:26:14.550951+02:00",
                            "tag": "color=red"
                    "stateful": true,
                    "open": false,
                    "acked": false



      The link to the next page, according to the cursor, or null if on the last page.


      The link to the previous page, according to the cursor, or null if on the first page.


      An array of the resulting subset of rows, or an empty array if there are no results.

      Refer to the section Explanation of terms for an explanation of the other fields.

    • POST: creates and returns an incident

      Example request body
            "source": 11,
            "start_time": "2011-11-11 11:11:11.11111",
            "end_time": null,
            "source_incident_id": "12345",
            "details_url": "https://sikt.no/api/alerts/12345/",
            "description": "Netbox 11 <12345> down.",
            "ticket_url": "https://tickettracker.com/tickets/987654/",
            "tags": [
                {"tag": "object=Netbox 4"},
                {"tag": "problem_type=boxDown"}

      Refer to the section Explanation of terms for an explanation of the fields.

  • /api/v1/incidents/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns an incident by primary key

    • PATCH: modifies parts of an incident and returns it

      Example request body
            "ticket_url": "https://tickettracker.com/tickets/987654/",
            "tags": [
                {"tag": "object=Netbox 4"},
                {"tag": "problem_type=boxDown"}

      The fields allowed to be modified are:

      • details_url

      • ticket_url

      • tags

  • /api/v1/incidents/<int:pk>/ticket_url/:

    • PUT: modifies just the ticket url of an incident and returns it

      Example request body
            "ticket_url": "https://tickettracker.com/tickets/987654/",

      Only ticket_url may be modified.

  • /api/v1/incidents/<int:pk>/events/:

    • GET: returns all events related to the specified incident

      Example response body
                "pk": 1,
                "incident": 10101,
                "actor": {
                    "pk": 12,
                    "username": "nav.oslo.sikt.no"
                "timestamp": "2011-11-11T11:11:11+02:00",
                "received": "2011-11-11T11:12:11+02:00",
                "type": {
                    "value": "STA",
                    "display": "Incident start"
                "description": ""
                "pk": 20,
                "incident": 10101,
                "actor": {
                    "pk": 12,
                    "username": "nav.oslo.sikt.no"
                "timestamp": "2011-11-11T11:11:12+02:00",
                "received": "2011-11-11T11:11:13+02:00",
                "type": {
                    "value": "END",
                    "display": "Incident end"
                "description": ""

      The received parameter is set by Argus upon reception of an event. Usually, this is same as, or a little later, than timestamp of the incident. If there is a large time gap between both, or received is earlier than timestamp, something may be wrong with the internal clock either on the argus server or on the event source.

    • POST: creates and returns an event related to the specified incident

      Example request body
            "timestamp": "2020-02-20 20:02:20.202021",
            "type": "OTH",
            "description": "The investigation is still ongoing."

      If the event is posted by an end user (a user with no associated source system), the timestamp field is optional. It will default to the time the server received the event.

      The valid types are:

      • STA - Incident start

      An incident automatically creates an event of this type when the incident is created, but cannot have more than one. In other words, it’s never allowed to post an event of this type.

      • END - Incident end

      Only source systems can post an event of this type, which is the standard way of closing an indicent. An incident cannot have more than one event of this type.

      • CLO - Close

      Only end users can post an event of this type, which manually closes the incident.

      • REO - Reopen

      Only end users can post an event of this type, which reopens the incident if it has been closed (either manually or by a source system).

      • ACK - Acknowledge

      Use the /api/v1/incidents/<int:pk>/acks/ endpoint.

      • OTH - Other

      Any other type of event, which simply provides information on something that happened related to an incident, without changing its state in any way.

  • GET to /api/v1/incidents/<int:pk>/events/<int:pk>/: returns a specific event related to the specified incident

  • /api/v1/incidents/<int:pk>/acks/:

    • GET: returns all acknowledgements of the specified incident

      Example response body
                "pk": 2,
                "event": {
                    "pk": 2,
                    "incident": 10101,
                    "actor": {
                        "pk": 140,
                        "username": "jp@example.org"
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-11T11:11:11.235877+02:00",
                    "received": "2011-11-11T11:11:11.235897+02:00",
                    "type": {
                        "value": "ACK",
                        "display": "Acknowledge"
                    "description": "The incident is being investigated."
                "expiration": "2011-11-13T12:00:00+02:00"
                "pk": 20,
                "event": {
                    "pk": 20,
                    "incident": 10101,
                    "actor": {
                        "pk": 130,
                        "username": "ferrari.testarossa@example.com"
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-12T11:11:11+02:00",
                    "received": "2011-11-12T11:11:11+02:00",
                    "type": {
                        "value": "ACK",
                        "display": "Acknowledge"
                    "description": "The situation is under control!"
                "expiration": null
    • POST: creates and returns an acknowledgement of the specified incident

      Example request body
            "event": {
                "timestamp": "2011-11-11 11:11:11.235877",
                "description": "The incident is being investigated."
            "expiration": "2011-11-13 12:00:00"

      Only end users can post acknowledgements.

      The timestamp field is optional. It will default to the time the server received the event if omitted.

  • /api/v1/incidents/<int:pk>/acks/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns a specific acknowledgement of the specified incident

    • PUT: updates the expiration of and returns a specific acknowledgement of the specific incident

      Example request body
            "expiration": "2011-11-13 12:00:00"
  • /api/v1/incidents/sources/:

    • GET: Returns a list of all sources

      Example response body
          "pk": 1,
          "name": "argus",
          "type": {
            "name": "argus"
          "user": 1,
          "base_url": ""
  • GET to /api/v1/incidents/mine/: behaves similar to /api/v1/incidents/, but will only show the incidents added by the logged in user, and no filtering on source or source type is possible.

  • GET to /api/v1/incidents/open/: returns all open incidents

  • GET to /api/v1/incidents/open+unacked/: returns all open incidents that have not been acked

  • GET to /api/v1/incidents/metadata/: returns metadata for all incidents

Notification profile endpoints

  • /api/v1/notificationprofiles/:

    • GET: returns the logged in user’s notification profiles

    • POST: creates and returns a notification profile, which is then connected to the logged in user

      Example request body
            "timeslot": 1,
            "filters": [
            "media": [
            "phone_number": 1,
            "active": true

      The phone_number field is optional and may also be null.

  • /api/v1/notificationprofiles/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns one of the logged in user’s notification profiles by primary key

    • PUT: updates and returns one of the logged in user’s notification profiles by primary key

      • Example request body: same as POST to /api/v1/notificationprofiles/

    • DELETE: deletes one of the logged in user’s notification profiles by primary key

  • GET to /api/v1/notificationprofiles/<int:pk>/incidents/: returns all incidents - both open and historic - filtered by one of the logged in user’s notification profiles by primary key

  • /api/v1/notificationprofiles/timeslots/:

    • GET: returns the logged in user’s time slots

    • POST: creates and returns a time slot, which is then connected to the logged in user

      Example request body
            "name": "Weekdays",
            "time_recurrences": [
                    "days": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                    "start": "08:00:00",
                    "end": "12:00:00"
                    "days": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                    "start": "12:30:00",
                    "end": "16:00:00"

      The optional key all_day indicates that Argus should use Time.min and Time.max as start and end respectively. This also overrides any provided values for start and end. An example request body:

          "name": "All the time",
          "time_recurrences": [
                  "days": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
                  "all_day": true

      which would yield the response:

          "pk": 2,
          "name": "All the time",
          "time_recurrences": [
                  "days": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
                  "start": "00:00:00",
                  "end": "23:59:59.999999",
                  "all_day": true
  • /api/v1/notificationprofiles/timeslots/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns one of the logged in user’s time slots by primary key

    • PUT: updates and returns one of the logged in user’s time slots by primary key

      Example request body: same as POST to


    • DELETE: deletes one of the logged in user’s time slots by primary key

  • /api/v1/notificationprofiles/filters/:

    • GET: returns the logged in user’s filters

    • POST: creates and returns a filter, which is then connected to the logged in user

      Example request body
            "name": "Critical incidents",
            "filter_string": "{\"sourceSystemIds\": [<SourceSystem.pk>, ...], \"tags\": [\"key1=value1\", ...]}",
            "filter": {
                "sourceSystemIds": [
                "tags": [
                "open": true,
                "acked": false,
                "stateful": true,
                "maxlevel": 1,
                "event_type": "STA"
  • /api/v1/notificationprofiles/filters/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns one of the logged in user’s filters by primary key

    • PUT: updates and returns one of the logged in user’s filters by primary key

      Example request body: same as POST to


    • DELETE: deletes one of the logged in user’s filters by primary key

  • POST to /api/v1/notificationprofiles/filterpreview/: returns all incidents - both open and historic - filtered by the values in the body

    Example request body
           "sourceSystemIds": [<SourceSystem.pk>, ...]

Endpoints v2 API


v2 of the API is not stable yet.

Auth endpoints

  • GET to /api/v2/auth/user/: returns the logged in user

  • GET to /api/v2/auth/users/<int:pk>/: returns a user by primary key (pk)

  • POST to /api/v2/token-auth/: returns an auth token for the posted user

    • Note that this token will expire after a certain amout of days that is set in the variable AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRES_AFTER_DAYS in Site-specific settings (by default 14 days), and can be replaced by posting to the same endpoint.

    Example request body
        "username": "alice",
        "password": "secret"
  • POST to /api/v2/refresh-token/: returns an auth token for the currently logged in user

    • Note that this token will expire after a certain amout of days that is set in the variable AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRES_AFTER_DAYS in Site-specific settings (by default 14 days), and can be replaced by posting to the same endpoint.

  • /oidc/login/dataporten_feide/: redirects to Feide login

Incident endpoints

  • /api/v2/incidents/:

    • GET: returns all incidents - both open and historic

      Query parameters: All query parameters are optional. If a query parameter is not included or empty, for instance acked=, then the rows returned are not affected by that filter and shows rows of all kinds of that value, for instance both “acked” and “unacked” in the case of acked=.

      Filtering parameters:


      Fetch only acked (true) or unacked (false) incidents.


      Fetch only incidents that are or have been open for equal to or more than (number) minutes.


      Fetch only incidents that ended on or later than (end-time).


      Fetch only stateless (true) or stateful (false) incidents.


      Fetch only incidents that ended on or earlier than (end-time).


      Fetch only incidents that have a level less or equal than (level).


      Fetch only open (true) or closed (false) incidents.


      Fetch only stateful (true) or stateless (false) incidents.


      Fetch only incidents with a source with numeric id ID1 or ID2 or..


      Fetch only incidents with a source with name NAME1 or NAME2 or..


      Fetch only incidents with a source of a type with numeric id ID1 or ID2 or..


      Fetch only incidents with source_incident_id set to ID.


      Fetch only incidents that started on or later than (start-time).


      Fetch only incidents that started on or earlier than (start-time).


      Fetch only stateful (true) or stateless (false) incidents.


      Fetch only incidents with a ticket url (true) or without (false).


      Fetch only incidents with one or more of the tags. Tag-format is “key=value”. If there are multiple tags with the same key, only one of the tags needs to match. If there are multiple keys, one of each key must match.


      URL reformatted for readability

      will fetch incidents that are all of “open”, “unacked”, “stateful”, from source number 1, with “location” either being “broomcloset” or “understairs”, and that is on fire.


      If the boolean parameters are not given a value or are left out, that is interpreted as not filtering at all on that parameter, showing both true and false entries.

      Paginating parameters:

      cursor=LONG RANDOM STRING|null

      Go to the page of that cursor. The cursor string for next and previous page is part of the response body.


      The number of rows to return. Default is 100.

      So: api/v2/incidents/?cursor=cD0yMDIw&page_size=10 will go to the page indicated by cD0yMDIw and show the next 10 rows from that point onward. Do not attempt to guess the cursor string. null means there is no more to fetch.

      Example response body
            "next": "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/incidents/?cursor=cD0yMDIwLTA5LTIzKzEzJTNBMDIlM0ExNi40NTU4MzIlMkIwMCUzQTAw&page_size=10",
            "previous": null,
            "results": [
                    "pk": 10101,
                    "start_time": "2011-11-11T11:11:11+02:00",
                    "end_time": "2011-11-11T11:11:12+02:00",
                    "source": {
                        "pk": 11,
                        "name": "Uninett GW 3",
                        "type": {
                            "name": "nav"
                        "user": 12,
                        "base_url": "https://somenav.somewhere.com"
                    "source_incident_id": "12345",
                    "details_url": "https://uninett.no/api/alerts/12345/",
                    "description": "Netbox 11 <12345> down.",
                    "ticket_url": "https://tickettracker.com/tickets/987654/",
                    "tags": [
                            "added_by": 12,
                            "added_time": "2011-11-11T11:11:11.111111+02:00",
                            "tag": "object=Netbox 4"
                            "added_by": 12,
                            "added_time": "2011-11-11T11:11:11.111111+02:00",
                            "tag": "problem_type=boxDown"
                            "added_by": 200,
                            "added_time": "2020-08-10T11:26:14.550951+02:00",
                            "tag": "color=red"
                    "stateful": true,
                    "open": false,
                    "acked": false



      The link to the next page, according to the cursor, or null if on the last page.


      The link to the previous page, according to the cursor, or null if on the first page.


      An array of the resulting subset of rows, or an empty array if there are no results.

      Refer to the section Explanation of terms for an explanation of the other fields.

    • POST: creates and returns an incident

      Example request body
            "source": 11,
            "start_time": "2011-11-11 11:11:11.11111",
            "end_time": null,
            "source_incident_id": "12345",
            "details_url": "https://uninett.no/api/alerts/12345/",
            "description": "Netbox 11 <12345> down.",
            "ticket_url": "https://tickettracker.com/tickets/987654/",
            "tags": [
                {"tag": "object=Netbox 4"},
                {"tag": "problem_type=boxDown"}

      Refer to the section Explanation of terms for an explanation of the fields.

  • /api/v2/incidents/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns an incident by primary key

    • PATCH: modifies parts of an incident and returns it

      Example request body
            "ticket_url": "https://tickettracker.com/tickets/987654/",
            "tags": [
                {"tag": "object=Netbox 4"},
                {"tag": "problem_type=boxDown"}

      The fields allowed to be modified are:

      • details_url

      • ticket_url

      • tags

  • /api/v2/incidents/<int:pk>/ticket_url/:

    • PUT: modifies just the ticket url of an incident and returns it

      Example request body
            "ticket_url": "https://tickettracker.com/tickets/987654/",

      Only ticket_url may be modified.

  • /api/v2/incidents/<int:pk>/automatic-ticket/:

    • PUT: creates a new ticket in a ticket system and returns its url or returns an already set ticket url

  • /api/v2/incidents/<int:pk>/events/:

    • GET: returns all events related to the specified incident

      Example response body
                "pk": 1,
                "incident": 10101,
                "actor": {
                    "pk": 12,
                    "username": "nav.oslo.uninett.no"
                "timestamp": "2011-11-11T11:11:11+02:00",
                "received": "2011-11-11T11:12:11+02:00",
                "type": {
                    "value": "STA",
                    "display": "Incident start"
                "description": ""
                "pk": 20,
                "incident": 10101,
                "actor": {
                    "pk": 12,
                    "username": "nav.oslo.uninett.no"
                "timestamp": "2011-11-11T11:11:12+02:00",
                "received": "2011-11-11T11:11:13+02:00",
                "type": {
                    "value": "END",
                    "display": "Incident end"
                "description": ""

      The received parameter is set by Argus upon reception of an event. Usually, this is same as, or a little later, than timestamp of the incident. If there is a large time gap between both, or received is earlier than timestamp, something may be wrong with the internal clock either on the argus server or on the event source.

    • POST: creates and returns an event related to the specified incident

      Example request body
            "timestamp": "2020-02-20 20:02:20.202021",
            "type": "OTH",
            "description": "The investigation is still ongoing."

      If the event is posted by an end user (a user with no associated source system), the timestamp field is optional. It will default to the time the server received the event.

      The valid types are:

      • STA - Incident start

      An incident automatically creates an event of this type when the incident is created, but cannot have more than one. In other words, it’s never allowed to post an event of this type.

      • END - Incident end

      Only source systems can post an event of this type, which is the standard way of closing an indicent. An incident cannot have more than one event of this type.

      • CLO - Close

      Only end users can post an event of this type, which manually closes the incident.

      • REO - Reopen

      Only end users can post an event of this type, which reopens the incident if it has been closed (either manually or by a source system).

      • ACK - Acknowledge

      Use the /api/v1/incidents/<int:pk>/acks/ endpoint.

      • OTH - Other

      Any other type of event, which simply provides information on something that happened related to an incident, without changing its state in any way.

  • GET to /api/v2/incidents/<int:pk>/events/<int:pk>/: returns a specific event related to the specified incident

  • /api/v2/incidents/<int:pk>/acks/:

    • GET: returns all acknowledgements of the specified incident

      Example response body
                "pk": 2,
                "event": {
                    "pk": 2,
                    "incident": 10101,
                    "actor": {
                        "pk": 140,
                        "username": "jp@example.org"
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-11T11:11:11.235877+02:00",
                    "received": "2011-11-11T11:11:11.235897+02:00",
                    "type": {
                        "value": "ACK",
                        "display": "Acknowledge"
                    "description": "The incident is being investigated."
                "expiration": "2011-11-13T12:00:00+02:00"
                "pk": 20,
                "event": {
                    "pk": 20,
                    "incident": 10101,
                    "actor": {
                        "pk": 130,
                        "username": "ferrari.testarossa@example.com"
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-12T11:11:11+02:00",
                    "received": "2011-11-12T11:11:11+02:00",
                    "type": {
                        "value": "ACK",
                        "display": "Acknowledge"
                    "description": "The situation is under control!"
                "expiration": null
    • POST: creates and returns an acknowledgement of the specified incident

      Example request body
            "timestamp": "2011-11-11 11:11:11.235877",
            "description": "The incident is being investigated."
            "expiration": "2011-11-13 12:00:00"

      Only end users can post acknowledgements.

      The timestamp field is optional. It will default to the time the server received the event if omitted.

  • /api/v2/incidents/<int:pk>/acks/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns a specific acknowledgement of the specified incident

    • PUT: updates the expiration of and returns a specific acknowledgement of the specific incident

      Example request body
            "expiration": "2011-11-13 12:00:00"
  • /api/v2/incidents/sources/:

    • GET: Returns a list of all sources

      Example response body
          "pk": 1,
          "name": "argus",
          "type": {
            "name": "argus"
          "user": 1,
          "base_url": ""
  • GET to /api/v2/incidents/mine/: behaves similar to /api/v2/incidents/, but will only show the incidents added by the logged in user, and no filtering on source or source type is possible.

  • /api/v2/incidents/ticket_url/bulk/:

    • POST: bulk sets the ticket url of multiple incidents and returns a dictionary indicating if the action was successful for each incident, the ticket url and potential errors

      Example request body
            "ids": [1, 2],
            "ticket_url": "https://tickettracker.com/tickets/987654/",
  • /api/v2/incidents/acks/bulk/:

    • POST: bulk creates acknowledgements for multiple incidents and returns a dictionary indicating if the action was successful for each incident, the created acknowledgement and potential errors

      Example request body { “ids”: [1, 2], “ack”: { “event”: { “timestamp”: “2011-11-11 11:11:11.235877”, “description”: “The incident is being investigated.” }, “expiration”: “2011-11-13 12:00:00” } }
  • /api/v2/incidents/events/bulk/:

    • POST: bulk creates events for multiple incidents and returns a dictionary indicating if the action was successful for each incident, the created event and potential errors

      Example request body { “ids”: [1, 2], “event”: { “timestamp”: “2020-02-20 20:02:20.202021”, “type”: “OTH”, “description”: “The investigation is still ongoing.” } }

Notification profile endpoints

  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/:

    • GET: returns the logged in user’s notification profiles

    • POST: creates and returns a notification profile, which is then connected to the logged in user

      Example request body
            "timeslot": 1,
            "filters": [
            "destinations": [
            "active": true
  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns one of the logged in user’s notification profiles by primary key

    • PUT: updates and returns one of the logged in user’s notification profiles by primary key

      • Example request body: same as POST to /api/v2/notificationprofiles/

    • DELETE: deletes one of the logged in user’s notification profiles by primary key

  • GET to /api/v2/notificationprofiles/<int:pk>/incidents/: returns all incidents - both open and historic - filtered by one of the logged in user’s notification profiles by primary key

  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/destinations/:

    • GET: returns the logged in user’s destination-configs

    • POST: creates and returns a destination-config, which is then connected to the logged in user

      Example request body for email
            "media": "email",
            "label": "Work email",
            "settings": {
      Example request body for sms
            "media": "sms",
            "label": "Work phone",
            "settings": {
  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/destinations/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns one of the logged in user’s destination-configs by primary key

    • PUT: updates and returns one of the logged in user’s destination-configs by primary key

      • Example request body: same as POST to /api/v2/notificationprofiles/destinations/

    • DELETE: deletes one of the logged in user’s destination-configs by primary key

  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/destinations/<int:pk>/duplicate/:

    • GET: returns True if another user has a destination with the same medium and settings as the destination with the given primary key

  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/media/:

    • GET: returns media

  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/media/<slug:slug>/:

    • GET: returns one of the media by it’s slug

  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/media/<slug:slug>/json_schema/:

    • GET: returns the json schema of the media by it’s slug

  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/timeslots/:

    • GET: returns the logged in user’s time slots

    • POST: creates and returns a time slot, which is then connected to the logged in user

      Example request body
            "name": "Weekdays",
            "time_recurrences": [
                    "days": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                    "start": "08:00:00",
                    "end": "12:00:00"
                    "days": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                    "start": "12:30:00",
                    "end": "16:00:00"

      The optional key all_day indicates that Argus should use Time.min and Time.max as start and end respectively. This also overrides any provided values for start and end. An example request body:

          "name": "All the time",
          "time_recurrences": [
                  "days": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
                  "all_day": true

      which would yield the response:

          "pk": 2,
          "name": "All the time",
          "time_recurrences": [
                  "days": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
                  "start": "00:00:00",
                  "end": "23:59:59.999999",
                  "all_day": true
  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/timeslots/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns one of the logged in user’s time slots by primary key

    • PUT: updates and returns one of the logged in user’s time slots by primary key

      Example request body: same as POST to


    • DELETE: deletes one of the logged in user’s time slots by primary key

  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/filters/:

    • GET: returns the logged in user’s filters

    • POST: creates and returns a filter, which is then connected to the logged in user

      Example request body
            "name": "Critical incidents",
            "filter_string": "{\"sourceSystemIds\": [<SourceSystem.pk>, ...], \"tags\": [\"key1=value1\", ...]}"
  • /api/v2/notificationprofiles/filters/<int:pk>/:

    • GET: returns one of the logged in user’s filters by primary key

    • PUT: updates and returns one of the logged in user’s filters by primary key

      Example request body: same as POST to


    • DELETE: deletes one of the logged in user’s filters by primary key

  • POST to /api/v2/notificationprofiles/filterpreview/: returns all incidents - both open and historic - filtered by the values in the body

    Example request body
           "sourceSystemIds": [<SourceSystem.pk>, ...]