Notifications and their destinations

Notifications are sent with the help of notification plugins to destinations.

A notification plugin is a class that inherits from It has a send(event, destinations, **kwargs) static method that does the actual sending.

A destination is a user-specific and plugin-specific instance of the model DestinationConfig. In the DestinationConfig there’s a field settings that has the necessary configuration for where to send the notification for that type of plugin, like an email address, a phone number or a webhook.

A specific type of destination might also need extra settings in the Django settings file, this is documented for each plugin.

Notification plugins included on install

This plugin is enabled by default.

This plugin uses the email server settings provided by Django itself to configure the server.

The settings-field for an email-destination contains an email_address-field. It also contains a read-only synced-field, which is used for some magic if the User model-instance has its email_address-field set. If the email-address has synced set to True, that email-address is read-only as far as the API is concerned, because the address on the User is synced to that specific destination.

To validate the email address we use Django’s own email validator.

This plugin is not enabled by default.

This plugin is for systems where SMSes are sent via a magical email-address (legacy-system support). For that reason it depends on the same Django email server settings as the included EmailNotification-plugin, and in addition the Argus-specific SMS_GATEWAY_ADDRESS-setting, which is the magical email-address to send the SMSes to.

The phone number is suffixed to the local-part of the email-address.

Given an SMS_GATEWAY_ADDRESS of the following form:


and a phone number of the following form:


then the resulting address is:

The settings-field for an SMS-destination contains only a phone_number, which is a string that includes the international calling code, see for instance Wikipedia: List of mobile telephone prefixes by country.

The library used to validate that the number is a real phone number is based on Google’s libphonenumber, so you cannot test with an arbitrary string of numbers.

This plugin is a better example to copy for your own plugins than the included email-plugin since it doesn’t have the Django-specific User-magic.

Other notification plugins

Open an issue to have a plugin added to this list. It needs to be publicly accessible so we can check the code, and be on PyPI. We will link up both the source code repo (or homepage otherwise) and the PyPI-entry.


Source: ``_ PyPI: ``_

Writing your own notification plugins