About Argus¶
IT operations these days tend to be complex affairs, and rarely does any organization get by with only a single monitoring system for everything. Even though some of these systems are extensible, and can meet many of an IT operator’s needs, organizations inevitably end up with multiple software systems to cover their entire IT infrastructure.
All of these systems generate alerts, and provide their own facilities for conveying these alerts to their human operators, either through web-based dashboards or push notifications to e-mail, mobile phones or direct messaging services. As the number of monitoring systems keep increasing, so does the complexity of managing notifications from all of them. Getting a complete picture of all incidents in the infrastructure becomes challenging.
For this reason, the Argus alert aggregator was developed.
At Uninett, not only do we have multiple monitoring systems, but as we provide monitoring as a service for customers, we often have multiple instances of the same monitoring systems. Our aim was to aggregate all alerts into a single, coherent dashboard system. This dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of all currently active incidents across all services to our first line of support, the Uninett Service Center. It serves as a single place to manage notification profiles for both the first and second line support teams.
Argus follows the principle of single responsibility, i.e. it does not perform any monitoring itself. It acts as an aggregator of current and past incidents in IT infrastructure. It dispatches notifications when incidents are opened and closed. Argus does not actively retrieve incidents from third party services, but relies on reports delivered to it through the API. These services are called source systems.
The API and the user interface¶
In keeping with the single responsibility principle, a complete Argus setup consists two separate components, with separate concerns: The Argus API server, and the Argus frontend.
The Argus server provides a REST API to interact with the incident database and the database of user notification profiles. The server handles incidents received from source systems, and allows viewing and processing them via the REST API. It also supports setting up user-specific notification profiles, and sends notifications to users based on said profiles. Argus server does not provide a user interface targeted at end users.
Conversely, the Argus frontend application acts as a client to provide end users with a web-based user interface to the Argus API server. Using the frontend application, users can view, filter and interact with the contents of the incident database, and create personal notification profiles conveniently in their web browsers.
This documentation will describe how to use the Argus API server. The frontend application documentation is provided separately.
The Argus server admin interface¶
Besides the REST API, Argus server has an administration interface. It can be used to perform low-level administration tasks on a running Argus server, such as:
Administration of Argus user accounts
Creating API authentication tokens for users
Defining new source systems to collect incidents from