Argus can integrate with monitoring systems via external glue services. It can integrate with ticket systems via ticket plugins, and with notification systems via notification plugins.
In short:
Monitoring systems send their alerts via a glue service. Either via an argus-plugin (e.g. nav) or a standalone microservice (e.g. nagios). The service is registered in Argus with a source type and a source, which allows multiple entries from the same type. The source has a token connected with it, which the service uses to authenticate.
Notification systems are hooked up via plugins. The plugins are installed (via pip) to the same environment as Argus. Most plugins are configured solely via the web interface, except for the two included email-based plugins. These piggyback on the email server configuration of Argus itself (see Site-specific settings).
A single ticket system is hooked up via a plugin. It is installed (via pip) to the same path as argus. All ticket system plugins are configured via the settings file, see Site-specific settings.