How to: Add more preferences

The model Preferences found in argus.auth.models stores user preferences in a namespaced way.

In order to add more preferences:

  1. Create a Django app to host the preferences

  2. Figure out a unique name for the set of preferences you are making. This is the namespace. It must function as a python variable, so must start with either an underline (_) or an alphabetic character. If there is only one set of preferences for the app you could use the app name.

  3. Adapt the below boilerplate:

    from argus.auth.models import preferences, PreferencesBase
    class MagicNumberForm(forms.Form):
        magic_number = forms.IntegerField()
    class MyPreferences:  # Optionally you can inherit from PreferencesBase
                          # here to get method completion
        FORMS = {
            "magic_number": MagicNumberForm,
        _FIELD_DEFAULTS = {
             "magic_number": 42,
        # Optional Meta for testing, not needed unless only used for tests
        class Meta:
            app_label = "auth"

    The name of the actual preference (in the example this is “magic_number”) should also be a valid python variable name.

    There should be one form per preference.

    The app-label line is needed for preference models that only exist for tests. Either remove it entirely or make sure the “app_label” is identical to the app label of your app when making a “real” preference namespace.

  4. The preferences are stored in the database table row in a JSON blob named “preferences”. The entire blob is copied to the context of all views via the context processor argus.auth.context_processors.preferences.

    You can override what is put in context per namespace via overriding the method update_context(). By default the former looks like the below code:

    def update_context(self, context):
        "Override this to change what is put in context"
         return {}

The preferences are currently not available via the API.