How to change site-specific settings

Two ways to define these site-specific settings follow.

Variant 1: Using environment variables in the shell

A subset of settings can be set per 12 factor, using environment variables.

Note that environment variables can only contain numbers and strings as values. Strings have to be enclosed with double quotes, "a simple string". Use 1 to represent Boolean True, 0 for False.

In bash/zsh you set an environment variable like this:

$ export DEBUG=1

Deployment-specific systems like docker-compose, heroku or kubernetes might have their own way of setting environment variables.

Variant 2: Using a file

A settings file is a regular Python file. This allows the use of more complex Python data types than environment variables. A settings file will override any environment variables. and provide reasonable defaults for development and production environments. You can use and/or override them by importing them to your as follows:

from import *

Now define variables like:

DEBUG = True

Settings can be tested in and moved to the other settings files later. Use an expressive name for your file, such as

You can combine settings files and environment variables.