HTMx Frontend

The new frontend is old-new school and uses HTMx to boost HTML pages. See the Github repo of argus-htmx-frontend

It has its own specific settings and currently depends on an app.

It is not needed if running headless.

It uses Tailwind CSS and daisyUI for looks and layout.

  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.

  • daisyUI: A component library for Tailwind CSS that provides a set of ready-to-use components as well as color themes.


The app is included in the argus-server codebase, but it is optional to use.

Install Python dependencies

Install the dependencies:

pip install argus-server[htmx]

(The generated requirements-files include the dependencies already.)

Install and build Tailwind CSS and daisyUI

If you want to be able to customize the frontend in any way, including changing or adding themes, you need to install the support for Tailwind CSS and daisyUI. They are not Python packages so it cannot be streamlined much.

Recommended but open for tweaks and adaptations steps:


  1. Get Tailwind standalone CLI bundled with daisyUI from

    Most Linux distributions:

    $ curl -sL -o /tmp/tailwindcss
    $ chmod +x /tmp/tailwindcss

    For other OSes see and update the bit after download/ accordingly.

    Optionally you can compile tailwind+daisyUI standalone cli bundle yourself as described here:

  2. (Linux/OsX) Move the tailwindcss file to your $PATH, for instance to ~/bin/ or .local/bin.


  1. Go to the repo directory (parent of src/)

  2. Build main stylesheet file using tailwindcss executable from step 1 and pointing to the included config file:


    tailwindcss -c src/argus/htmx/tailwindtheme/tailwind.config.js -i src/argus/htmx/tailwindtheme/styles.css --output src/argus/htmx/static/styles.css

    Running with the --watch flag for automatic update on change seems error-prone so we’ve made it very easy to run the command, with make or tox:

    make tailwind
    tox -e tailwind

    Either will rebuild the styles for you.


If all the settings you need to change can be set via environment variables, use argus.htmx.settings as your settings-file. Otherwise, read on.

Do this in your workdir, which could be the checked out `argus-server`_ repo.

This assumes that you have a local settings file (we recommend calling it “” since that is hidden by .gitignore) as a sibling of src/.

At the top of this local settings file, copy the contents of argus.htmx.settings. This will base the settings-file on and automatically use with argus.htmx.appconfig.APP_SETTINGS to set/overwrite some settings and mutate others. Note the usage of globals(); due to this, inheriting from argus.htmx.settings will probably not work as expected.

Example, top of settings-file for production:

from import *
from import update_settings
from argus.htmx.appconfig import APP_SETTINGS

update_settings(globals(), APP_SETTINGS)

ROOT_URLCONF = "argus.htmx.root_urls"

While developing you will probably prefer to swap out with, as the former is almost production-ready while the latter is tuned for development and depends on the optional dependencies you can install via pip install argus-server[dev].

Example, top of settings-file for development:

from import *
from import update_settings
from argus.htmx.appconfig import APP_SETTINGS

update_settings(globals(), APP_SETTINGS)

ROOT_URLCONF = "argus.htmx.root_urls"

The function will add or change the settings










See argus.htmx.appconfig._app_settings for what is being set.

The management command print_settings (which depends on the app django-extensions, a dev-dependency) will print out the complete settings used.

Note especially that ROOT_URLCONF is set to argus.htmx.root_urls. If you prefer to make your own root, the frontend-specific urls can be imported from argus.htmx.htmx_urls.


Domain settings

  • ARGUS_FRONTEND_URL is used for building permalinks to point back to incidents in the dashboard.

The setting must point to the publicly visible domain where the frontend is running. This might be different from where the backend is running.


Furthermore, visiting /oidc/login/<backend>/ when an Oaouth2 backend is set up and installed will trigger a login via that backend.

See the Authentication reference and the OAuth2 howto for the meaning of <backend>.

OpenID Connect

Use the Python social auth backend social_core.backends.open_id_connect.OpenIdConnectAuth, see PSA: OIDC (OpenID Connect)

It is only possible to connect to one OIDC provider at a time without subclassing.

If you want to use email-addresses as usernames, set SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_USERNAME_KEY to "email". If you don’t do this, what username you will end up with is decided by the OIDC provider in question. It could be a UUID or some other unique generated string that will not make sense to your end-users.

You can look inside the JWT (in the model UserSocialAuth, field extra_data, key id_token) for a different suitable value to use for a username.

Optional authentication backend settings


If using django.contrib.auth.backends.RemoteUserBackend (which depends on the middleware django.contrib.auth.middleware.RemoteUserMiddleware) there’s an optional setting ARGUS_REMOTE_USER_METHOD_NAME to choose what to show on the button.

It can be set via an environment variable of the same name.


If using social_core.backends.open_id_connect.OpenIdConnectAuth there’s an optional setting ARGUS_OIDC_METHOD_NAME to choose what to show on the button.

It can be set via an environment variable of the same name.

Page size

By default, incidents are shown with a page size of 10 (ie. 10 rows at a time), and the user can select a different page size from [10, 20, 50, 100]. It possible to override these settings by setting the ARGUS_INCIDENTS_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE (an integer) and ARGUS_INCIDENTS_PAGE_SIZES setting respectively.

Incident table column customization

You can customize which columns are shown in the incidents listing table by overriding the INCIDENT_TABLE_COLUMNS setting. See Customizing the HTMx frontend for examples.


If you wish to change the available themes, first make sure the support for Tailwind CSS and daisyUI has been installed, then see Customizing the HTMx frontend.


See Customizing the HTMx frontend.